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Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V40 Namespace

Public classAccessHost
Public classAccessHostFactory
Allows us to create a ServiceHost with the fully qualified domain name rather than just the default server name. This ensures that imported wsdls are accessable. Note: you need to restart IIS after changing the servers FQDN to recreate the host.
Public classAuthenticationInfo
Used to send authentication information to a web service method
Public classDetailedUsageResponse
The response of any detailed usage query
Public classDetailedUsageResponseItem
A single piece of data for a detailed usage query. Includes who, what, when, and how much was viewed
Public classExtendedDetailedUsageResponse
The response of an extended usage query
Public classExtendedDetailedUsageResponseItem
A more detailed usage response item, includes start/stop reason and playback speed
Public classFolder
Represents a folder in panopto
Public classFolderAccessDetails
Details about access rights to a folder
Public classGroup
Metadata about a group
Public classGroupAccessDetails
Details about access rights of a group
Public classListFoldersRequest
Parameters used to filter, sort, and paginate a list folders request
Public classListFoldersResponse
Response sent back from a ListFolder request
Public classListGroupsResponse
The result of a ListGroups query
Public classListNotesResponse
Response sent back from a ListNotes request
Public classListRecordersResponse
The result of a ListRecorders
Public classListSessionsRequest
Parameters used to filter, sort, and paginate a list sessions request
Public classListSessionsResponse
Response sent back from a ListSessions request
Public classListUsersRequest
Parameters to allow sorting, filtering, and paging of requests to get multiple users
Public classListUsersResponse
The result of any bulk user query
Public classNote
Represents a single note on a session
Public classPagination
Parameters to paginate the results of a bulk query
Public classRecorderDownloadUrlResponse
Response sent from GetMacRecorderDownloadUrl
Public classRecorderSettings
Settings for a remote recorder in the context of a recording.
Public classRecurringStatsReportDefinition
Information about a recurring stats report definition.
Public classRemoteRecorder
Represents a remote recorder
Public classRemoteRecorderDevice
Represents a device attached to a remote recorder. For example a camera, webcam or microphone
Public classSession
Represents a session in panopto
Public classSessionAccessDetails
Details about access rights to a session
Public classStatsReportStatus
Public classSummaryUsageResponseItem
A single piece of data for a summary usage query. Each instance represents one aggregated bucket of information
Public classUsageHost
Public classUsageHostFactory
Allows us to create a ServiceHost with the fully qualified domain name rather than just the default server name. This ensures that imported wsdls are accessable. Note: you need to restart IIS after changing the servers FQDN to recreate the host.
Public classUser
Metadata about a user
Public classUserAccessDetails
Details about a user's access rights
Public classUserManagementExtensions
Collection of extension methods on user management enums
Public interfaceIAccessManagement
Web service for managing user access
Public interfaceIAuth
Public web service for authentication
Public interfaceIRemoteRecorderManagement
Public web service for managing remote recorders
Public interfaceISessionManagement
Public web service for session management
Public interfaceIUsageReporting
Public web service for usage reporting
Public interfaceIUserManagement
Public web service for user management
Public enumerationAccessRole
An enumeration of the different access roles
Public enumerationExtendedDetailedUsageResponseItemStartReasons
Public enumerationExtendedDetailedUsageResponseItemStopReasons
Public enumerationFolderSortField
All the fields of a folder that can be sorted by
Public enumerationGroupType
Indicates the type of a group. Different type groups are handled differently by the system
Public enumerationQuizResultReportType
The various supported kinds of quiz result reports.
Public enumerationRecorderSortField
The fields of a recorder that can be sorted by
Public enumerationRecurringReportCadence
Maps 1-to-1 to Panopto.Data.Core.Models.RecurringReportCadence
Public enumerationRemoteRecorderDeviceType
The different types of devices that might be connected to a remote recorder
Public enumerationRemoteRecorderState
The different states that a remote recorder can be in. Note that SOAP calls use the member names on the wire, not the values.
Public enumerationSessionSortField
All the fields of a session that can be sorted by
Public enumerationSessionState
The Session's progress through the recording / processing pipeline
Public enumerationStatsReportType
Maps 1-to-1 to Panopto.Data.Core.Models.StatsReportType
Public enumerationSystemRole
Represents a user's roles across the whole system
Public enumerationUsageGranularity
Used to control the granularity a summary report is aggregated at.
Public enumerationUserSortField
The fields of a user that can be sorted by