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ISessionManagementUpdateFoldersAvailabilityStartSettings Method

Updates the start type and time for the folders’ availability settings Note: API caller must have system-level admin access or must have creator access to each folder referenced in folderIDs If publisher approval is _not_ required, admins and creators may update the start settings. Users with publisher roles may not change the settings unless they also have creator access to these folders. However, if publisher approval _is_ required, admins and publishers can change this setting while creators may not. If the settingType is changed to "WhenPublisherApproved", all sessions in this folder will have their approval status reset, and will require re-approval. This cannot be overridden by the overrideSessionSettings flag.

Namespace:  Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V46.Soap
Assembly:  DataLib (in DataLib.dll) Version: (
bool UpdateFoldersAvailabilityStartSettings(
	AuthenticationInfo auth,
	IEnumerable<Guid> folderIds,
	FolderStartSettingType settingType,
	Nullable<DateTime> startDate,
	bool overrideSessionsSettings


Type: Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V40AuthenticationInfo
Used to authenticate the current user. Can be null if an auth cookie is passed
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableGuid
The set of folders to update
Type: Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V46.SoapFolderStartSettingType
The type of start setting to use
Type: SystemNullableDateTime
The date to make this folder available, in UTC. Used with settingType SpecificDate. Optional: Can be null
Type: SystemBoolean
When applying this change, should we override the availability settings for the sessions in the folder

Return Value

Type: Boolean
Success if the settings are updated
See Also