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IAuth Interface

Public web service for authentication

Namespace:  Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V42.Soap
Assembly:  DataLib (in DataLib.dll) Version: (
public interface IAuth

The IAuth type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetAuthenticatedUrl
Constructs a url which includes authentication information for the caller. This allows a client application to direct the user to a Panopto page without requiring him to log in again. We don't actually check if the caller will have access to the target url. But that will be checked when he attemps to load it. The authentication parameter will timeout after 10 seconds, so this should only be called immediately before a redirect.
Public methodGetServerVersion
Gets the server version of the installed Panopto Web Server
Public methodLogOnWithExternalProvider
Used to log in users with an external provider. Sends back a cookie that can be used to authenticate all future WS calls. Should be used only when the plugin is also the external provider. The plugin should authorize the user before calling this method The use of the shared-secret application key in the payload proves that only the external provider can call this method
Public methodLogOnWithPassword
Simple login. Sends back a cookie that can be used to authenticate all future WS calls
Public methodReportIntegrationInfo
External integration may report its versoin for Panopto's support purpose. Admin privilege is needed.
See Also