Richard Browne
CrackerjackPlease note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Re: Emails to Owners and Dept Admins for Scheduled Archive & Deletion; Allow them to Request Exceptions
Hi, Would it be possible to allow for individual level reporting so that if a video is to be archived/deleted by a retention policy the owner/folder owner would receive their own notification? Cheers… (View Post)1 -
Re: Split primary audio and video / Edit out Primary Stream but keep audio and secondary
Yes. Not too many but we have a few user requests every year where they see themselves captured on an installed camera then say they'd rather have just capture the audio. The current work around I ha… (View Post)1 -
Re: Download transcript as document
Ability to download a clean audio-transcription from the auto-generated captions, stripped of timecode information. This is useful in a number of situations, such as using Panopto to provide podcasti… (View Post)1