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Make "optional" importing Zoom "Chat" and other Zoom AI Companion features

Currently, the Zoom AI Companion provides options for "smart recorder," "meeting summaries," "meeting chat," etc. Meeting Chats are automatically imported in Panopto "Discussions." Additionally, the chat notes include private chats and chats with everyone.
This is could be bad thing depending on who the recordings are shared with. Recordings where students are present become part of the student record (FERPA).
Hi @Elba Rios,
We do not currently integrate with Zoom's AI Companion feature. For Chats, can you please confirm if you are wanting a way to disable these on a video-by-video basis or site wide? For each video, discussions can be hidden by the faculty member as needed using our moderation feature. If you are looking to completely disable the import of the Zoom chat to Panopto, please revisit your Zoom integration settings, specifically the "Save chat messages from the meeting/webinar" option.
Panopto has designed the chat import feature to only import public (shared with Everyone) messages. Please see 5.4 here. Can you please confirm if you are seeing different behavior than this on your Zoom imports?
Also keep in mind that all videos are intended to be shared only with the meeting host by default or the folder the meeting host chooses to share their content with. It is not recommended that faculty update the permissions to make recording viewable outside of the users enrolled in their course for the concerns of FERPA.
Please let us know if you have any follow-up questions!