Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto Community
Category List
Follow this category for Panopto Community updates13 discussions 4 comments Most recent: Upcoming December Advanced Training Webinar & Weekly Q&A (Office Hours) - Update by Doug Costain December 17
Updates and Announcements for the Panopto User Community8 discussions 4 comments Most recent: Upcoming December Advanced Training Webinar & Weekly Q&A (Office Hours) - Update by Doug Costain December 17
Learn how to update your profile and navigate the Panopto Community Forum4 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Guidelines & Expectations - Feature Requests by Caitlin McCabe May 2023
10 discussions 1 comment Most recent: What's new: UI/UX Changes coming in Panopto 15.0 by Jay Minster May 28
Have a question or comment about Panopto's Public SOAP or Rest API? Post it here to get an answer from our Dev team (or another Panopto API user)! Most forum posts are answered within one week. Note: this category is relevant for Panopto Enterprise customers only.430 discussions 1K comments Most recent: Getting "Invalid UserId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" when trying to get user's home folder by Sam Ess December 20
This is where Panopto will provide information and updates on bugs. If you believe you've found a bug, or are having an issue with Panopto, please contact the Panopto Support team as soon as possible.51 discussions 79 comments Most recent: Notification of an issue affecting Panopto for Windows by Josha Chande November 4
Shoptalk on the equipment that Panopto users love and best practices when it comes to using it.32 discussions 96 comments Most recent: Seneca Panopto Devices show "Audio and video device error" by Michael Robinson June 28
At Panopto, we love how committed our customers are to making Panopto a better product - please feel free to share your feature ideas or vote on existing ideas in this category! Before submitting a feature request, make sure to read our Guidelines & Expectations post.795 discussions 1.7K comments Most recent: Split primary audio and video / Edit out Primary Stream but keep audio and secondary by Galina Privara (Informa) December 19
Information about foreign language resources, including upcoming training webinars.2 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Nouvelle présentation de la feuille de route disponible (en avril 2023) & sondage by Evelin Pfeiffer April 2023
1 discussion 0 comments Most recent: Nouvelle présentation de la feuille de route disponible (en avril 2023) & sondage by Evelin Pfeiffer April 2023
1 discussion 0 comments Most recent: Neue Roadmap Präsentation verfügbar (Stand April 2023) & Umfrage by Evelin Pfeiffer April 2023
Do you have a question? Post it here for our team (and other users) to answer.306 discussions 883 comments Most recent: Certificates of Completion on Panopto Video/quizes by Richard Palmer December 19
Discussion, questions, and comments on Panopto's Blackboard integration27 discussions 46 comments Most recent: Video quiz tool not working in Ultra Base navigation by Caitlin McCabe August 20
Discussion, questions, and comments on Panopto's Canvas integration42 discussions 95 comments Most recent: Why can students upload recordings to course Master Panopto folders? by Charles Barbour September 17
Discussion, questions, and comments on Panopto's D2L integration10 discussions 21 comments Most recent: Can the Brightspace LTI be used to embed a Panopto Playlist? by Marc Prime October 2
Discussion, questions, and comments on Panopto's Moodle integration31 discussions 117 comments Most recent: Why do I get the login screen when I insert it from the video selection screen by kim kyung yoon September 13
Information, updates, and discussion regarding Panopto On-premises4 discussions 9 comments Most recent: Windows registry settings to maintain or reset audio in put after upgrade? by Caitlin McCabe March 11
Have a question about Panopto? Add it here and we'll be happy to help.129 discussions 336 comments Most recent: Content Retention Feedback Requested! by Michael Espey December 19
Follow this category, and never miss a new feature, fix, or product update again!
Discussion and questions on how organizations are using Panopto - Do you need a fresh way to present using Panopto? Ask fellow users how they are using the product. Are you using Panopto in a unique way that other users may not have thought of? Share it here! We love to see innovation and collaboration!36 discussions 84 comments Most recent: Misleading Chinese Captioning Options by Samuel Chan December 17
Feel free to share the ways you and/or your company are addressing issues resulting from the global impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).