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Playback YouTube videos when embedded in a session in both players

We either need the ability to embed the full web player via the LTI (or even a button that will share the session and take the user to the web player), or things like webpage embeds and embedded YouTube videos need to play within the embed.aspx player.
I think in most cases, it would be better for it to just direct users to the full web player, instead of playing an incomplete session. We have had a number of troubles come up because there is no reference in the actual embed player that the viewer is missing content.
Thank you,
Absolutely. When YouTube videos are added into a Panopto recording, those YouTube videos do not appear when the recording is embedded into an LMS.
It seems that embedded sessions, downloaded sessions, and mobile playback will show the video podcast version of a Panopto video. Tablets will show a tablet version of this, which is closer to the full experience but still somewhat consolidated. But none include the any YouTube clips that have been included in a recording.
Glad to see that YouTube embeds feature is on the roadmap. Yey!
Just to update this thread: this is on target for our June 2021 release and is available in staging now!