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"Captions are based on the edited session" when uploading using API
Hi Devs,
I'm writing on behalf of SK University due to the language barrier.
SKU uploaded a bunch of captions that have lines cut off after processing because there is no option for "Captions are based on the edited session" via API caption upload.
They want to reverse it, however, not only is the option above missing but also there is no API to replace or delete uploaded captions.
Moving forward, they want their homegrown integration to be able to replace captions on-demand as well.
Please offer your solutions.
Hi Holek,
We do not currently have any API endpoints to remove captions, or to upload captions based on an edited timeline. We do plan on adding additional public API endpoints related to captions and transcription in the future, but I do not currently have an ETA on when that would be.
At this time, the only way to accomplish this would be to delete the captions from the session using the Panopto web interface. They would then be able to upload new captions based on the edited session, rather than to a single stream.
If you haven't already, please reach out to their Customer Success Advocate to file a feature request for for adding API endpoints for removing captions, replacing captions, or uploading captions based on the edited timelines.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.