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Notification of issue affecting the Home page

Hello - We want to let you know about an issue that intermittently affects some users when accessing their Panopto Home page.

What is the issue?

The Home page can intermittently fail to load for some users with access to view an exceptionally high number of videos.

Which versions of Panopto are affected?

Panopto Cloud

How do I tell if this affects me?

The Home page may fail to load normally for impacted users.

How do I mitigate the issue?

This can be mitigated by hiding the “Show Recently Viewed” section from the Home page.


  1. Navigate to the Home page as an administrator
  2. Click “Edit this page”
  3. Uncheck “Show Recently Viewed”

When will this be resolved?

We are still investigating the root cause and will provide a status update by February 2nd.

For any questions or further assistance, please contact Panopto Support online at support.panopto.com.

Best Answer

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Panopto Employee
    Answer ✓

    The home page will no longer fail to load due to this issue in any Panopto Cloud environment as of our latest release on January 25th/26th.

    For any questions or further assistance, please contact Panopto Support online at support.panopto.com.

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