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Content Retention Feedback Requested!

Hi Everyone,
We're committed to improving our content retention experience for customers and would love your feedback to ensure we're focused on the right priorities!
At the moment we're working on improvements to the Pending Actions page and adding functionality to allow admins to notify end-users when videos are flagged by content retention audits, but we know there's a lot more that can be done!
I'd love to chat with you to get your feedback on additional improvements that should be implemented sooner vs. later.
If you have pain points / feature requests with content retention that you'd like to share please feel free to schedule time with me!
Calendar link:
Thanks for helping us to improve content retention!
It would be good if there was a way to somehow systematically delete a folder that is left empty after retention policy has deleted the last items from within.
I'm a little late coming to this, but just looking at my latest retention email and most of the list for deletions are Meeting recordings from Zoom, which normally wouldn't be an issue, other than that they are all from Fall 2021, during the pandemic, when faculty were using Zoom for courses. I'm concerned that they will expect this content to be there as some have pulled back old Zoom sessions for guest recordings created at that time or pull up a video to replace a current semester video. It still looks like content creators are not notified that videos will be deleted. Is this something that will be added in at some point as an option?
I agree with Jeremy. We've asked for all empty Panopto folder (do not contain any videos, archived videos, or subfolders) that were created more than 1 year ago. We were told that's a custom request that would require the "professional service team' and cost around $1,000 to implement. And I assume that is $1,000 per time.
We would do it ourselves, but the product does not offer a valid solution! The ONLY solution I see being offered that we can implement ourselves is by manually clicking on EACH Panopto folder and checking each folder for videos, archived videos, and subfolders And those top level folders that contain subfolders, checking each subfolder for active or archived videos. IF the folder doesn't contain any active videos or archived videos, then manually deleting that folder. And rinse and repeat that 17,273 times!! AND that's not taking into consideration when the Panopto folder was actually created so that we don't delete Panopto folders that were recently created. In neither folder view does it tell us when the Panopto folder was created and I don't believe that information is in the folder settings either! So we have no way to know when the folder was created. And we need to keep detailed records and track which Panopto folders we have visited and which we have not. As you can see, that's not a remotely valid solution.
Thank you all so much for this feedback.
End-user notifications are on the roadmap for 2025.
A new rule to delete empty folders is one of the items at the top of the list for consideration!
@Admin Jeffrey Ries - I've had them try to pull the "Professional Services" offer on me a few times and every time I try to remind them how wild that is and bump the topic with the AM team. I get if we had some request that they needed to build custom tooling for, but to ask such an insane fee for simple reporting that should be in the core product is frankly insulting.
I was told that we would need to start paying for a report that we've been having them run for the past few years to pull out folders that have professional captioning providers integrated (again, something that we have no way to pull out on our own), when I told them absolutely not, they folded and have been sending me the reports with no additional fee since.
For Panopto leadership: The correct way to handle professional services (and how other vendors handle this successfully) is when something bespoke needs to be done, there is a conversation to go over what needs to be done and there is a fee to cover the time/investment to develop said tooling, then you are done. You don't get to keep charging to apply the tooling.
Is there going to be a change so that videos can be tagged to be excluded from any Archive policy?
Hi @Senita Franklin - you should be able to do this today directly from session settings:
You would navigate to Session settings > Manage > choose 'Retain Content Indefinitely' in the Retention Policy dropdown list.