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The data obtained from the API compares with CSV data
in API
We used to rely on the Panopto usage report for reporting purposes. However, the data obtained from the API (GET /api/v1/sessions/{id}) is significantly less. For example, columns such as "Archived Hours (Unedited hours)," "Archived," "MSO - Media Originals," "MSO - Editor Metadata," and "MSO - Media Quality" in the systemsessionstorage report are missing. Additionally, the users' view log is not as detailed as the systemviews report (GET /api/v1/users/{id}/sessions/viewed), which displays the "Minutes Delivered" for each user on each occasion. Is there a way to obtain such reports/data using the API? And any way to get anonymous log? Can we generate and download the CSV using API?
Hi Nicole,
The Session endpoint in our public is meant to mostly display metadata about a session, and is not designed to display full analytics for a session. We do have plans to add additional endpoints to our public REST API in the future for downloading analytics data, but that is still early in our planning phase.
You are able to use Panopto's IUsageReporting SOAP API to create recurring reports or download some analytics data programmatically. You can also use the same API to download any generated reports, either those created using the API or reports manually scheduled in Panopto's User Interface by using the IUsageReporting.GetReport endpoint. Although our REST API does not yet offer the ability to create reports or download raw analytic data, you can use Panopto's public REST API to download completed reports with the Get Report By Id endpoint.
I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.