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Feature Request? API for getting all folders of a user?


This may be a feature request, but since it is API related, I am posting this here instead.

I am looking for an API endpoint that given an ID of a user in the parameter, the endpoint will return me a list of folders (with Folder GUID) that this user has access to, including their personal folder.

Is there an existing API endpoint or similar one that I could use?

Thank you



  • ISessionManagement.GetCreatorFoldersList()


    It doesn't seem to return the home folder though.

  • Sorry, I forgot to mention in my previous message. My question is actually about the REST API, not the SOAP API. Sorry for any confusion.

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Samuel,

    In the next Panopto release we have a new REST API folders endpoint (/api/v1/folders/creator).
    This should return all the folders where user has creator rights, including their personal folder.

    I hope this helps.


  • Thank you Adis,

    Is there an estimated timeline for when this new release would be released?

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Samuel,

    I believe the next official Panopto release is likely to be around mid-February 2025.



  • Good to know. Thank you.

  • @Adis Hrnjica Where can we subscribe for more information about the API updates? I'm so excited to hear about updates to the API!! 💚

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Jonathan,

    For now I think only resource is release notes:


    I hope that helps. Thanks.

  • I see that there is a new API endpoint: /api/v1/folders/creator

    However, I don't seem to understand how it works. When I send out a request, I am getting a 403 error.

    According to the docs, 403 error means "User does not have permission to access this function"

    I have made sure that my token works with calling other API endpoints. I don't know what went wrong. Is there some settings that I need to set?

  • Also, I don't quite understand the use of API endpoint: /api/v1/folders/creator

    It takes the parameters of sortField, sortOrder, and pageNumber . I suppose these are pagination/sorting options.

    The description of the endpoint says "Lists all the folders the user is a creator in"

    I don't understand…. so which "user" is it referring to here? I don't see the endpoint takes in any userId or sort. Does "user" mean "me only" - or whichever account is used for making the API request?

    Have I misunderstood the purpose of this endpoint?

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Samuel,

    This should return folder to which the user you are calling API with has creator access.
    I should work identically as /api/v1/folders/{id}/children endpoint.

    Page number and sorting are just some ways to get list in sort order or if you have many folders (default is 1000) you could pull more, or less and do pagination on your side.

    I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.



  • Vegard WallinVegard Wallin Crackerjack

    Add /Panopto to the URL and it will work. I don't know why the documentation doesn't mention it. It's the same for all REST calls. Like this:


  • @Adis Hrnjica

    Ah… thank you for explaining, but I am afraid this endpoint is not what I am after.

    I am not trying to get a list of folders which my API-calling account has creator access of. Like the question I posted originally at the very top, I am trying to get a list of folders that a specified user has creator access of. So in other words, what I want is that if I provide a user ID (or an email?) of a user to the API request, I am expecting to get a list of folders this user is the creator of/has creator access to.

    Are there any current endpoints that work like that?

  • @Vegard Wallin

    Thank you! I keep forgetting this after not touching the API for a while.

    But I agree with what you said. It will be very helpful to have this mentioned in the documentation. I understand that the Panopto Public API documentation page is dynamically generated with Swagger but I think it can be easily added to other API-related documentation pages such as https://support.panopto.com/s/article/api-0 .

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