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API for copying or moving sessions
in API
Hello Panopto members
Is there an API to "copy" or "move" a session (video) to another folder?
If so, please let me know the reference URL and details.
At this time, Panopto does not have any public APIs for copying sessions. You can use the API to move sessions to a different folder. For our public REST API, you can use the Session Update endpoint to change the parent folder to move the session to a new folder.
Within the public SOAP API, you can use the ISessionManagement.MoveSessions endpoint to move multiple sessions to the same target folder.
Please note that for both endpoints, the user calling the API must have creator permissions on the session, as well as permission to create in the target folder.
I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you for your reply. So there is no API to copy. Understood.
Our development team has another question (is there an API that can do something similar in another way?).
Since there is no API to copy, does an API exist to download/upload Panopto videos stored on two screens like the one below?
*Please tell me the API to download video podcasts.
In that case, is it possible to specify the type of podcast (main video only/secondary video only, etc.)?
*Is there an API to set two video files as either "main video" or "secondary video", upload them to Panopto, and make them into one video?
Please consider providing an API for copying (reference copying, full copying).
We don't have an API to download a video podcast, but if you use Panopto's REST API to get data on a session (Get Session By Id) will return the
for downloading the video if it's allowed to be downloaded.We also do have an API that you can use to upload video files to a session in Panopto (either a single video as 1 primary, or multiple videos as primary and secondaries). The Panopto public Upload API uses our Universal Capture Specification (UCS) spec to transmit information on the session, including primaries, secondaries, cuts, etc. to upload with the media files to Panopto to create a new session.
I hope that this information helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Tsutomu
University of Auckland has put in a feature request (back in 2022!) for a copy API
We'd love other Panopto users to jump on board with this, as when I search in the forums, I see there is demand for this functionality.
Kind regards
Does anyone know how long the service has existed? Was there an announcement in a release note I perhaps missed? It does exactly what it suggests, which is fantastic.
The release notes just hit the forum a few moments ago:
Not sure why these weren't posted until now, but I agree, great addition!
I think the additional comments on this chat have helped! We've been asking for this since we started with Panopto some years ago, and great to see it's been delivered. Would be good to understand how they determine priorities, as we've been asking for this for years (along with others) and it's only just been responded to.