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QR Code Pause
It would be great to see support in the Panopto remote recorders for it to detect a QR code which reads "PAUSE" and then pause the recording until the QR code is gone.
Opencast has this feature.
So would the intent be that the there is a fiducial physically mounted somewhere in the room on camera, uncovered when the user wants to pause, then covered again when they want to record normally? If so I'd support something like that as long as it is super reliable. I also think this could be something useful for the desktop recorder.
QR codes are specifically designed to be reliably recognised in bad conditions, but I had been thinking of it in the slides, on the camera would be much harder and could be abused by students.
This is where the idea comes from:
It's almost impossible to believe that this is from 2015 where they'd already been doing this for some time when it was recorded, and we're 10 years later and basic features like this are missing from almost every other product on the market.