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Additional endpoints of "RemoteRecorder" API?


As the operation team of our University, we would need to add/update/remove/connect/disconnect remote recorders using RESTful API in order to streamline our AV equipment management process. As we have hundreds of equipped rooms, it would be a lot more sensible if we manage the equipment with our inhouse application via Panopto's API.

At the moment, I can see there is only one endpoint under "RemoteRecorder":
GET /api/v1/remoteRecorders/search

There are no other API endpoints available for the abovementioned purposes.

However, correct me if I am wrong, I do see something similar under "RemoteRecorderAPI". I wonder if that is something we should use instead. I see that in the docs, it says beside the "RemoteRecorderAPI":
"Warning: this endpoint is for Panopto's hardware partners only and cannot be used without a partner API key."

Since we represent the University, not a hardware partner, I wonder if this is relevant to us. Is there more information about getting a partner API key and is there a cost for getting this key?

Thank you answering my questions.




  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Sam,

    In order to get started with the RemoteRecorderAPI endpoints, you would need to contact our Partner team, who can further help you in trying to get an API Key for those specific endpoints. We do not currently offer any other public APIs for managing remote recorders at that level.

    You can contact our technical partner team by emailing [email protected].

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.



  • Thank you very much.

  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    Having gone down this road myself, they won't give you the key.

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