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Notification of an issue affecting the Panopto mobile app for Android

Josha ChandeJosha Chande Panopto Employee

Hello - We want to let you know about an issue with downloading the Panopto mobile app for users with Android version 14 and higher.

What is the issue?

Currently the Panopto mobile app cannot be installed on Android devices that utilize Android operating system, version 14 and higher.

Which versions of Panopto are affected?

Only the Panopto mobile app for Android is impacted.

How do I tell if this affects me?

Users with Android devices can check the operating system version of their device to see if they are effected.  This can typically be done by checking Settings -> About this phone.  

How do I mitigate the issue?

Android users can continue to access Panopto via their mobile browser.

When will this be resolved?

An exact ETA for resolution of this issue is not known at this point. Please check back for more updates. This post will be updated again on or before 2025-03-12

For any questions, please contact Panopto Support online at support.panopto.com.


  • Josha ChandeJosha Chande Panopto Employee

    The Android app has now been restored to the Google Play Store and is available for download and installation once more.

    Apologies for the inconvenience caused by this issue

  • Jim GoldenJim Golden Panopto Employee

    Please note that while the app has been restored to the app store, the AndroidOS compatibility issues persist. Our developers are currently investigating that issue.

    An exact ETA for resolving this issue is unknown at this point. Please check back for more updates. This post will be updated again on or before 2025-03-12

  • Jim GoldenJim Golden Panopto Employee


    Panopto's Engineering team is testing an updated Android client application and expects to release it to the App Store in the near future. An update will be posted to this thread on or before 2025-03-31.

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