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Issues in getting User's email address using API

Lily LiLily Li Tyro

Hello team,

I was guided here by support team. We are using the users search API to try to get users information. However, the API response when fetching a user only includes Id and username. We would need the user's email in the response as well. Could you please let us know why only the username is returned and how to get the user's email address through API?

This is an example of what we get:


""Id"": ""xxx-xxx-xxx-xx"",

""Username"": ""yyy zzz""


many thanks,



  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Lily,

    Unfortunately we don't support this as of today.
    I have created feature item to add this to the list in order to return email address of the user as well.

    Stay tuned for our releases to catch when this will be added to the API.

    I hope this helps.

    Thanks a lot.


  • Pretty sure this is available via the soap api.

    Email: Gets or sets the user's email address.


  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Yes, the SOAP has support for most of the user fields, but I think they use REST API (users/search endpoint)
    If SOAP is an option, you're welcome to use it and in the meantime we will work on adding new fields for the REST API endpoints.



  • Thanks Adis and Charles! I'll get back to you if there are more questions from our users.

  • Hi Adis and Charles, do you know how long will it take for Panopto to bring in this new field to the REST APIs? Are you planning to deprecate the SOAP API you mentioned at some point? We would need to know this in order to decide our next step. Thanks

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack
    Hi Lily,

    I don’t have a date at the moment for the rest api update.

    Regarding SOAP we will not deprecate it until we replace all the calls with the rest api ones. So I don’t expect this to happen soon.

    I hope this helps.


  • And to be clear, I don't work for Panopto.

    Sorry for any confusion!

    Charles Barbour
    University of Notre Dame

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