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What is the Purpose of NewSessionId in /api/v1/sessions/{id}/sessioncopy Response?


I am currently testing the newly released /api/v1/sessions/{id}/sessioncopy API (PHP).

After copying a session, the API returns the following response:

array (
'NewDeliveryId' => 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
'NewSessionId' => 'bbbbbbbbbbbbb',
In Panopto, NewDeliveryId appears as the new session ID.
I would like to understand what NewSessionId represents.

Is NewSessionId a value that can be ignored, or does it serve a specific purpose?

Thank you.


  • Each video has a single sessionID. Every time you edit a video a new deliveryID is created.

    Unfortunately there are quite a few areas in Panopto's reporting, API, and UI where these 2 fields are swapped.

    For example: The SessionID field displayed in scheduled reports (like System Session Storage and System Views) is actually the DeliveryID.

    Here's a session:

    Here's what it looks like in the System Session Storage report:

    Here's what it looks like in a System Views and Downloads report:

    As you can see, both reports reference the DeliveryID, not the SessionID.

    I sent that example to someone at Panopto last September but I've been talking with them about this problem since 2019.

    Since so many workflows exist around these field names (both internal and external), any attempt to resolve these issues would result in significant customer disruption.

    Frankly it's an unbelievably messy knot to untangle but I don't think this is even on their radar. And the scope of the issue just continues to get worse every day.

  • Hello Charles Barbour,

    Thank you for your response.

    I find it very confusing that SessionID and DeliveryID are being used interchangeably.
    I hope the Panopto support team can provide a clear explanation about this.

    As a Panopto newbie, I just learned about the existence of DeliveryID through this discussion.

    For now, I’ll store both SessionID and DeliveryID and try to sort things out as I develop further.

    Once again, I really appreciate your help.

  • My pleasure! Storing both is a good call. Fingers crossed Panopto clears it up!

  • Vegard WallinVegard Wallin Crackerjack

    I see no reason to pay attention to the SessionId at all. I don't know of a single API call that use the SessionId, it's exclusively the DeliveryId that is needed. That's also the case when referencing videos in other ways, like when you share a link to view it's the DeliveryId that's the value of the id parameter.

    It's all very confusing, especially since the documentation often reference the SessionId when it's in fact the DeliveryId they're talking about.

    When you create a copy with this new endpoint, you get both the copy SessionId and DeliveryId in the response as you say, but what you would use the SessionId for is beyond me.

    It was said that every time you edit a video, a new DeliveryId is created. I cannot see this to be true. If you edit a video, the URL for viewing the video will obviously not change, and this link contains the DeliveryId.

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