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Panopto Remote Recorder API change templates

Louis PliskinLouis Pliskin Crackerjack


We are looking at using the Panopto remote recorders API to schedule recordings for users. One drawback to this is that users would not be able to select what inputs they want on their recordings.

We know that if a user schedules a recording through the Panopto website, they can select different templates for a given remote recorder that could have different selected input sources. So we could have preset on any remote recorder say a template for audio and PowerPoint and another for audio, video and PowerPoint, etc.

With that in mind, are there any Panopto API commands that would allow us to change a remote recorder's template? Or if there is something else that would allow us to change the inputs for a scheduled recording?




  • Hello Louis,

    The RemoteRecorderAPI_UpdateSchedule API allows for setting the configuration of the recordings. Unfortunately, an API to set Remote Recorder templates does not exist at the moment.



  • Louis PliskinLouis Pliskin Crackerjack

    Does that mean if we manually set up some templates, such as 'screen recording only' and 'webcam and screen' that we can change the configuration with each recording and say use this template?

    We don't want to use the API to create anything, we want to use it to select a different template/configuration.



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