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Help setting up OAuth2Clients for REST APIs from ETL server
in API
Post on behalf of Ricky Martinez
Panopto newly supports REST API, which is better than the SOAP API we have been using for our Lecture Capture system. It would be good to leverage the REST API starting with a newly identified tagging project of our own which ties back to question #1. But we need some help regarding setting up an OAuth2 Clients so that we can call the REST APIs directly from our ETL server.
Hi Alex and Ricky,
I'm happy to help you with setting up an OAuth2 client in Panopto. Can you give me some more information on what you're trying to accomplish, and what difficulties you've run into setting up the OAuth2 client?
Hi Kevin,
Let's start with the question below:
Is it feasible to call the REST API simply by passing a Bearer code via Authorization header? If then, what's the first step? Setting an OAuth2 client?
Hi Daniel,
Yes, that is how our REST API handles authorization. An access token is sent as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of the request to the API.
The first step would be setting up an API Client (OAuth2 client) in Panopto. The type of client that you need to create would depend on the type of application you are developing (for example, a web based application with a server side component, Javascript only application, or a purely server side based application).
Once you have created the client in Panopto, you'll be able to start working on logging a user in and retrieving an access token.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.