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Professor Asking About How to Edit What Source Student Can see on an Embedded Link

Katie HarrillKatie Harrill Crackerjack
edited January 2021 in General Q&A

From a professor-

I am recording in Panopto with the following settings:

Primary: Screen capture

Secondary: none

Record Slides: Powerpoint (checked)

I need to run screen capture in order to have pen annotations and animations in powerpoint appear in the finished product. I record the slides so that it will automatically generate the table of contents. With the final product (after edits, adding quiz questions), I embed the video onto a Canvas page with the Panopto button. However, the main video that plays in the embed is the plain slide, with my voice talking over it, no annotation or animation. In order to view those, the student needs to click the "view in Panopto" arrow on the embed, then in Panopto switch the screen (with the opposing arrows button) so that the screen capture is in the larger part of the viewer and the blank slides are the smaller. Nowhere have I seen an option to use the primary source as what's shown in the embed. Poking around on Panopto's help I noticed that if the video is treated as a "podcast" you can set these source options, but my finished videos do not have the podcast options... Any ideas?


I have two sources that I want to be available simultaneously (screen capture and powerpoint slides) in the final product. What I need to know is how to specify which one appears in the viewer when it's embedded on a page. Right now it seems that it prefers to show the PPT slides in the embedded viewer rather than the screen capture. 


Cutting what he doesn't want to be seen isn't helping.


  • I would try recording with the screen capture as the secondary source, in the configuration. From what is stated above, there will be a primary video stream (where traditionally a webcam video would go) of the screen capture, then the slide images would be shown in the main window. If the user is able to record on multiple screens they would be able to capture the PowerPoint screen as a secondary source, then have the other screen capturing the other content they are presenting. From there they can use the web editor to set the focus for a section.

    You are also able to set the podcast layout which will set how the "embed" view is presented: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/advanced-podcast-features-0

  • I will move this along to our professor.

    Thank you!

  • Katie HarrillKatie Harrill Crackerjack
    edited January 2021

    I'm asking him to clarify, but it seems he is not seeing Video Podcast as an option. How can I make this show up for him?

    "That sort of gets there. The only reason I have it capture the PPT is so that it will create the table of contents automatically. My screen capture is also the PPT but it has animations and I annotate it, so that's why I have to do it that way.

    This is interesting and I also saw this, but apparently my recordings are not being treated as "podcasts" so I cannot change those options..."

  • KathrynKathryn Administrator

    @Katie Harrill

    When a video gets embedded into a webpage (or LMS page), the podcast version of the video (MP4 version) is what plays in the embedded viewer. All videos typically have a podcast version created. It is also the version that gets downloaded and that plays in the mobile app.

    By default, All video creators can change the format that the podcast is in, but if the Creator is not allowed to download a copy of the video, they will not be able to change the format. If the download setting for the video is set to "Admins, Creators, or videographer only" and not 'No one", the user should be able to change the format.

    To change how the video is formatted in the embedded player, a Creator can follow the steps in the article Michael linked to above: https://support.panopto.com/s/article/advanced-podcast-features-0

    In the case where the screen was recorded as the primary stream (appears in the upper left side of the full tab player), you would want to switch the podcast format to "Primary Only" and then make sure to click "Apply."

    As Michael pointed out, it would be better for the user to record their screen as a secondary source. In this case, it would default to showing the screen capture (The view with the annotations and animations) in the embedded player as long as the podcast format was set to "Picture in Picture" or "Secondary Only". Picture in Picture is the typical default format for embedded videos.

    I hope this helps - I'd also be happy to open a support ticket for this user if needed!

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