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"youtube-esk" Pop up link or note on top of video in session
Is it possible to add a tool that allows for "pop up" comments, notes, or links within the video on a session for Panopto. This would mimic what we currently see on youtube.
I would like a popup on the screen that could be
1. color-coded
2. have text added
and that that could link to
3. a note
4. another session(URL)
5. a pdf
1. Caution
2. For more information click here
3. For detailed instructions click here
I like this idea. We had a presenter on Zoom entering the names of the author in the chat section and there really is no good way for this behavior to translate to the Panopto recording (we have "Discussion" turned off). Being able to enter the names in this kind of text pop-up would be helpful.
Agreed completely. We just had an instructor ask for this function - she just wants to overlay a clickable link at the end of her video. She can do it in YouTube, but not here.
There is another Feature Request ("Add text and annotation overlay ability to the editor") which might also provide this, but apparently they are choosing to satisfy that request with a Camtasia integration, which is definitely not what we're looking for. A simple overlay tool would be perfect!