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Ability to "re-encode" videos with new link, rather than copying the sessions.
The ability to re-encode videos without the need to copy, remove, or change settings of videos would be helplful for a different group of viewers to view the videos. Sometimes we want to reuse the videos, but not let the previous audience have access to it. When we have multiple videos to be copied, creators don't have the ability to copy multiple sessions unless the admin does it. It begins to be cumbersome for the admin to have to copy all sessions for each creator-the ability to re-encode videos with a new link that creators could do would be a help to me as an admin.
Hi @Tiffany Liddell, I totally get the part of "duplications". It's too confusing for faculty. I'm wondering if this might work for you:
1) Create a folder top level folder for the department and add a sub-folder -- (these folders are not associated with the course) and move videos to the sub-folder.
2) Folder permissions: "Everyone in the organization with the link" / Unlisted.
Pros: It works well for collaborations for multiple sections of the same course (for same or different instructors).
Cons: Creating a culture of collaboration, remembering where the videos are stored.
Thank you for the suggestion-my organization is a little more complicated than a typical faculty model. Many creators have their own set they don't want shared-each training facility has their own login access. I will look into this option-I agree the whole "culture of collaboration" is definitely a challenge for us!
Totally understandable Tiffany! Curious to see what solutions Panopto provides for your topic.