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Download transcript as document
The current ability to downlaod the caption file as a text document is useful, but it is difficult to read as a transcript without removing the timestamps. This adds a complication to the workflow -either editing manually or running through a third party caption editor or something like MS Stream's VTT file clearner.
As displaying the transcript without the caption timestamps is on the roadmap, can you also provide the ability to download the transcript text as a document without the timstamps please?
Ability to download a clean audio-transcription from the auto-generated captions, stripped of timecode information. This is useful in a number of situations, such as using Panopto to provide podcasting where a video window is not available to read captions but an audio transcription could be provided on the host page.
I would also like to see this functionality be added to the platform. It would be great if this transcript could be made available to viewers, much like you can do with PowerPoint files.
I agree... Exporting a transcript would be awesome! Even if it's just to an RTF file. I've copied transcriptions/captions from a video and the copying/pasting process from each segment takes a lot of time.
@Matt Turner , Excellent feature request. Currently, I use the site below to "extract" text only and remove timestamp.
We would love this too! A lot of our students use captions for note-taking, so a "download transcript" button would be very useful!
This would be fantastic and definitely useful for note-taking as well as reviewing content for future development.
@Cait McCabe , Is this feature request on the Panopto Roadmap? Thank you.
Yes, please.
Does anyone have an update on this?
I had someone ask for this today. Also it would be great if both the creator (instructor) and the student (viewer) had the option to download a timestamp-free transcript due to the reasons mentioned earlier in this thread.
@Elba Rios I checked on this, and unfortunately, this feature does not have an expected ETA. Because it was not found in our active plan, I moved it from being on the roadmap to "under consideration."
@Kathryn do you have any detail on when the new feature to make transcripts readable in paragraph form in the interactive and embedded viewers will be released please?
@Matt Turner I checked on this, and while this is still on the list of items being considered for future development, it isn't scheduled within the next 6 months.
Yes please! Would be great for universal design and the learning experience.
We just got a request for this too as it would be useful for disabled students to be able to print it out for review separate from the video.
Just to mention I've had further requests from users where this would be a useful feature. Any plans?
@Richard Browne I checked on this, and while this is still on the list of items being considered for future development, it isn't scheduled within the next 6 months.
Various students have requested this feature. It would be ideal to have captions downloadable as a Word doc without the timecode included and as an attachment in the Attachments panel by default.
Creators can download the transcription file
But if students don't have the creator role access, we've found an undocumented URL that allows you to download the captions in the format:
https://<site><id of video>&language=1
The file still has the timestamps so it's not clean.
Hi Andrew and thanks for your comment. We're looking for a clean version (no timecodes), and one that will reflect any changes we make to a video (i.e. if we edit out part of a video that's already been captioned, we don't want the downloadable transcription to include any of the words that we're removed). In the meantime, we've instructed students who want this to simply copy and paste the captions from a video into a Word doc. It's good to know that there's another option!
@Andrew Cho : I'm unable to get that URL to work. Do you need the <> around the video ID?
@Charles Barbour the URL does work for me. Some notes:
1) the <site> will likely be in the format <customer>.<region> so ours is ""
2) for the <id of the video>, remove the angle brackets and replace it with the ID you see in the URL when you normally view the video, i.e. https://<site dot region><id of video>
3) it presumably assumes auto-generated captions are enabled. Our institution has them enabled by default.
Our Student Support team have also asked me to ask for this feature for inclusivity, to allow students to easily use transcriptions along with note taking features in Word. Thanks!
Would also love this. I've received multiple requests. The workaround is to send yourself or someone you know the video through the share button with the transcript button checked. Copy and paste from the email. Not elegant but it works.
This would push our internal team to use this service instead of hiring contractors to do this transcription work.
This is a much needed feature! Thanks for considering!
An update on this feature request would be greatly appreciated.
@Kathryn @Pete Gervaise-Jones Downloadable transcripts have been on our community wishlist for some years now. With all the advancements with AI, especially in the past few weeks, are we possibly closer? There are so many third party tools out there (like for example), but we're yet to find one tool that has passed Data Protection, so we've "baked" our transcript creator in Excel, but it's clunky and not widely advertised to our for that reason. Is DP the main reason as to why Panopto haven't been able to provided downloadable transcripts? We get asked on a weekly basis at this point!
The current option for downloading captions is messy with time stamps and takes long to clean up. A clean editable transcript would be an awesome addition!
We've had requests for this functionality too at Durham University, so it would be very-much welcomed if this was considered for development.