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Techsmith Integration?

in Integrations
Has anyone heard anything of substance on the Techsmith integration that is on its way?
I am just curious if anyone knows what type of integration is coming. Are we going to be able to produce multistream things with Camtasia like the Panopto Recorder will, or will it just produce a flat video? Camtasia is able to record iOS devices and that has been a big ask here for a while ( I would hope that the Panopto Recorder would support this workflow, but I haven't seen any movement on that feature request in a while.
@Michael Espey - The initial integration with Camtasia will be an export directly to Panopto. We will continue working closely with their team to consider future enhancements. Thanks. -Dave
It looks like Camtasia just released this feature today based on the release notes: Windows version / Mac version. I haven't tested it out yet, but am excited to try it.
@Katie Bush - Thanks for posting! You beat us to it :) Please let us know what you think of this new feature.