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Download Quiz Results for all videos in a folder

We have users who have multiple videos with quizzes, which is awesome! But it is tedious to go into each video's quiz results and download the Excel results file. Could we have a way to download the results for all videos in a folder?
As a possibility to consider, you could add it to the reports you can download from the Analytics page for a folder. From a UI / UX perspective, it doesn't make a lot of sense there because there's nothing on that screen about quizzing. But at least it is a place where you can download reports about multiple videos at once.
Thanks! David
@David Howard , From what I understand all quiz results are part of an aggregate in one video. How about creating a Canvas quiz report so the total correct answers are imported into the Canvas assignment grade. No need for analytics here.
Hi Elba, I'll have to play about with some more of the settings, but at first blush I don't think this is quite what we're looking for. We have cases where a professor has 10-30 videos for their class in one Panopto folder. Instead of getting the quiz results for each video's quizzes into individual files, at least one professor would like to get a combined file for all of the videos in the folder.
If all you wanted was the scores, this could be done by going through Moodle (or Canvas); bringing each video's results into an individual gradebook column and then creating a report. But it seems a little roundabout, especially for folks who aren't big users of the LMS. And it seems possible that there is some information in the Panopto quiz results files that doesn't make it to the LMS.
Thanks! David
Hi David, I see. Let's see how Panopto addresses this scenario. :)
Hi, Just commenting to say this feature would be appreciated. We have a growing number of Panopto quizzes being used as 'checks for understanding' and although looking at a folders data as a whole would be beneficial in tracking how students are progressing.