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Support for copy/move video through API
in API
Good morning
I can't find any references to copy & move videos in your api (REST or SOAP)
Can you confirm if there is way to do this?
Moving can be done using MoveSessions.
I don't think there is a way to copy a session, at least not via the SOAP API.
Thank you Charles.
Are there any updates on this? Is copying sessions already a feature request, and if so, is there an ETA for it?
Many thanks
Hello Cristiano,
I am sorry but we do not have ETA to provide copy API at this time.
We would really like to have a copy API too.
Our scenario is courses that are taught together physically but are managed separately in the learning management system. So we have to populate the recordings into multiple course folders in Panopto. And since the schedule in Panopto can only send the recording to one folder, a copy function will be very useful here.