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Ability to download multiple streams

At present, you can only download the primary or secondary stream for podcasts. It would be great to have the ability to download other secondary streams - for instance, if 4 sources were recorded, you should be able to download the individual sources for use elsewhere (such as an edit system to create a switched version of the class video for another use.) You have all the source material, please let us access them - in fact, I'd prefer to do it without having to download through the podcast, and just download the streams directly as an Admin.



17 votes

Tracking · Last Updated


  • Hi Folks,

    I would like to suggest a new feature. It would be nice, if I can download single streams from a session. The function to delete single streams is already there.

    Is this possible?

  • The functionality is already there. On your video, click on Settings, click on Outputs. Under Video Podcast, you can select what video stream to download and in what format and what resolution. You must click apply if you make a change and then wait for rendering. Once the video stream is ready, just click on Download podcast (video).

  • Yeah, but this will change the complete podcast download. If a student downloads the podcast in this moment, he also has only the single video stream. When you can delete single streams in this window then i think it will be easy to add a download button for each stream.

    I also have sessions with 1 primary and up to 4 secondary streams. You cannot select, which secondary stream panopto shall use in the podcast version.

  • If you download the single stream using the Streams section, I think (believe) you will download the video stream without audio. Only the primary stream has audio. Is that what you want?

  • Definitely - I'm doing it via the podcast since that seems like the only way to download source files, but it is pretty cumbersome. My current work around for getting the other sources I need is to copy the original capture, delete the track I don't need, make the next one a secondary source, re-export to the podcast and download the 1080p/30 version. When you have a semester's worth of classes, it's pretty slow. Being able to just go to the source and download it under settings would be the easiest way to do it.

  • God yes, this is needed so badly.

  • Elaine M MelloElaine M Mello Whiz Kid
    edited September 2021

    I would love to see if this is being considered as feature. I am manually downloading files for editing a composited video for OenCourseWare and have spent days pulling down the podcasts that I could, but they're not all the course camera angles,, so now I'm asking support to get me the rest. There has to be a better way to do this (short of buying multiple Pearl2s and extra hard drives just to have a local copy when I need them.)

    Any update on this request???

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