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Ability to download user list report

We have 8,500 employees in our company and need the ability to export our user list to excel so that we can sort/filter by all of the attributes (role, last logged in, etc.).
Our audit department requires us to remove terminated users from our systems at least once a year, more often on specific systems. They require us to provide user lists for our systems and show that users have been removed. We need the ability to export our list to excel.
It would also help us to be able to filter the users in different roles. We have certain bank employees who are licensed and governed by FINRA and cannot record videos. We need to be able to export a list of all of our viewers to ensure they are all set up as viewers in the system.
Solid +1 on adding this as a self-service report. I might also ask that if they are a creator that their last used recorder version also be included.
For your immediate need, this is likely something that Panopto Support can provide. That being said, having the report be self-service is really the way to go here.
we would like to include hours viewed and hours recorded per user as well as groups the user is member of.
This ability is still greatly needed.
I agree 100 % with all the earlier comments. We are a university with ca. 1600 staff and 16000 students, and miss sorely the ability to design our own analyisis of how Panopto is used.
Date Created, Last Login, etc.
I was able to acquire this can by emailing Panopto Support directly. They can run it and then share it, but seems like a lot of extra steps for a fairly standard report that people would want to have.
This is still great needed.