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Get future Scheduled sessions using REST API
We have requirement where we a looking for future scheduled session information inside particular folder.
While working on POC we referred the official Panopto rest api documentation and we decided to go ahead with the user based server application as client type.
We successfully received token with “Password” type grant type.
I guess the only way I can get scheduled sessions is inside recorder:
but this call keeps on throwing access denied response though the account begin used has admin access to remote recorder settings
Can you please help us with this or if we have better approach to get future sessions using REST API and Oauth?
The RemoteRecorder API is only meant to be used with hardware partners, and that is why you are receiving an unauthorized error when attempting to use these endpoints.
Unfortunately at this time in the REST API we do not have a method to get future scheduled recordings. This functionality is something we are looking into for the future.
Joe Malmsten
Hi Joe and Nina, did you ever find an answer to this? I am also trying to find a way to pull in scheduled recordings but the API will not retrieve any sessions unless it has already been recorded. :/
Hi Nina and Chris,
We provide ScheduledRecordings API, but that is for the scenario where an application (assuming some sort of scheduler) creates and manages the scheduled recordings by itself, and it does not enumerate schedule recordings that are created by someone other than that application itself.
We are going to consider providing the API that you described. For our reference, don't you mind sharing a scenario you want to achieve with that API?
i have the same problem.
I'm programming a Crestron device with an Epiphan Pearl mini using Panopto.
I need the Information about the next session using my recorder.
Hope someone can help me. Is there any way to get a API partner key using on our university?
Hope someone can help me.
Remote Recorder API is specifically designed for Panopto Remote Recorders, both Panopto's own remote recorder software running on PC and our partner's hardware solutions. In other words, it is a contract between Remote Recorders and Panopto server, so that Remote Recorders work according to the schedules and commands managed by Panopto server. It is not for the customers to interact with. Therefore, we have no plan to provide API access key other than our partners who provide hardware Remote Recorders.
As in my previous message, we plan to extend ScheduleRecordings REST API to manage the schedule of Remote Recorders in the future, however I do not have a concrete date as of yet.
I want to add one more thing, though. It is actually possible to know and manage Remote Recorder's schedule by using SOAP API already. The high level logic flow to get the schedules of a target remote recorder is as follows.
1. Get the remote recorder's information either by GetRemoteRecordersById or ListRecorders method.
2. In the response, RemoteRecorder entry should exist and it has ScheduledRecordings property. That is a list of Panopto sessions which are scheduled for that remote recorder.
3. Use ISessionManagement.GetSessionsById method to retrieve the detail information of those sessions.
4. In the response, Session entry should exist and its StartTime and Duration properties represent the schedule.
Thank u very much.