Question: User total count does not equal paginated listed users
Hello Panopto Devs-
We are trying to list all users from our test environment through the API
Here is the ListUsers request we are making without using the 'sortby' input parameter.before I ran with 'sortKey' Email
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="" xmlns:pan=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <tem:ListUsers> <tem:auth> <pan:Password>REMOVED</pan:Password> <pan:UserKey>REMOVED</pan:UserKey> </tem:auth> <tem:parameters> <pan:Pagination> <pan:MaxNumberResults>250</pan:MaxNumberResults> <pan:PageNumber>1</pan:PageNumber> </pan:Pagination> </tem:parameters> </tem:ListUsers> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
page number 1 with 250 Max number results :the response has total 250
page number 2 with the same max 250 input: the response got the total 250
page number 3 with the same max 250 input: the response got the total 250
page number 4 with the same max 250 input: the response got the total 231
page number 4 with the same max 250 input: the response no users
ISSUE: with the total above we are getting only 981 records
but <a:TotalResultCount>1247</a:TotalResultCount> in the response
Can you assist?
Hi Janelle,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Would you be able to have your POC open a support ticket for this issue so that we can investigate it further?
I think you need to start at page 0. It still means you're off, but being off by 16 is better than 266!
Is it possible that the 16 are special users, like the panoptosupport users that get left behind?