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Student recording view flag

We have had students ask for a feature that would show them in Blackboard or any VLE, that they have already viewed fully or partially a recording/recordings; with a lot of recordings students can forget what recordings they have viewed, so some sort of indicator on the recording icon when the student views the recordings released to them would be useful. I dont think this functionality feature is currently available in the panopto cloud release.
I know panopto already has the feature "viewer playback from last position" which is useful for students to see where they left off on viewing a recording when they come back to view it again later, thats useful.
I think this could be implemented as an overlay on the thumbnail with some sort of text along the lines of "12 minutes left" or even by adding a current position in front of the total run time indicator (12:34/56:00). This would be a great addition to the platform.
Michael, Thanks for that input, yes some sort of indicator on the thumbnail as you say would suffice to remind the students on the recordings they have viewed previously which may even have been a few weeks or months back, particularly with students returning to recordings around exam time, lets see if Panopto Develoipment agree in due course. Regards, James