Panopto folder rename is triggered by moodle course rename
Can the folder rename functionality be triggered by the course name change in moodle. In the latest block code, there is a link that allows moodle to inform the panopto server of course name changes and then changes the folder name on the panopto server. This is useful but staff are able to change the name of their courses and this can cause confusion if the name change has not been synced to Panopto, as the link to sync the name changes is an admin only function we don't know that a member of staff has changed their course name to trigger the name change sync.
Could the change of the moodle course name trigger a api call to update the panopto folder name or as another option can a scheduled task be created so that the name sync can be run on a schedule.
@James Pearce - This should be possible now with the latest version of the Moodle Block. Thanks for posting! -Dave
@Dave Hannan I've installed checked the latest block code unless I'm missing something it isn't doing the folder rename exactly the way I was proposing. Currently you have to go to the block admin screen and run the 'Update all Panopto folder names' command. What I was proposing was that a folder rename is done when a moodle course fullname is updated. This would mean course and folder names are always in sync. Then current system means that the moodle courses can be named differently to the panopto folder until the update command is run. As you said that process can take a long time and potentially time out. My proposal would mean that only one folder name would be changed at a time meaning less load on both the Moodle and Panopto servers.
We have developed a moodle plugin that does this via the API but it would be better to be part of the core block functionality.
Could this feature request please be re-opened and considered again at all.