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Add Attributes/Points of Contact for Remote Recorders
Currently, we keep a spreadsheet for our remote recorder devices that lets us see their local IP addresses, passwords, MAC addresses, date of installation, and other information to help us keep track of them. We also track its Make and Model and whether it is an appliance or a capture card.
Also, we use the spreadsheet to tell us who the primary point of contact is for the device, in case it's in a department that we don't have full access to. When we get an alert about their appliance being down, we have to forward those alerts to the appropriate user so that they can take action.
It would be great if we could do the following for each remote recorder:
- Add custom attributes about the device so we can see that information directly within each appliance's page versus calling up a separate spreadsheet.
- Have an ability to specify additional, non-admin users who should receive alerts about a specific appliance, especially if it is disconnected or if a recording is at risk.