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Easy way to give Creator access on a video

I would like to request (Maybe this is coming in the update next week??) an easier way to give Creator access to an individual video or handful or videos in a folder.

Currently, if I want to give Creator access to someone, I need to add them as a Creator on a folder. But if I only want that person to have Creator access to one or a couple videos, I either need to move those videos to a new subfolder and give the person Creator access there, or allow them Creator access on everything in the folder, and then manually remove or change access to videos I don't want them to have Creator access on.

Unless I'm missing something, this is very time consuming, tedious, and confusing for instructors and staff.

I am requesting the ability for a video's Creator/Owner to be able to grant other individual users Creator access to individual videos in a folder, without needing to make them Creators on a folder. If I can add individual Viewers to a particular video, I should be able to add individual Creators.

Please reach out if there are questions.

Thank You.

Kevin Hartman, University at Buffalo

9 votes

Tracking · Last Updated


  • God yes. This workflow sucks.

  • Once we have custom roles and permissions this will be possible. I have a draft role on our test site to give an individual creator access to a single session. I think that before a role like this (creator only for a single session) having a creator dashboard, or having the ability to filter "Everything" down to everything that you can view, everything you can edit, things that have yet to be published, etc., is going to be very important.

    From what I've been told, the Beta is not in a place where it can be used in production at all. I also got an update recently that roles and permissions will not be included in v11. I am still hopeful that we will see this before year-end, but I don't have any information on the timeline beyond it isn't going to be available in the next release.

  • Thanks @Michael Espey. We also want to use custom roles for downloading videos and sync those custom roles with our LMS-specific role. Hoping it comes out of beta soon!

  • @Jairo Delgado , I feel like syncing custom roles between the LMS and Panopto will be a longer term thing. I hope I'm wrong.

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