copy panopto subfolders from one parent folder to another parent folder

I see a previous feature request related to this item in 2020, I want to know if its possible to copy a panopto subfolder of a parent panopto folder A directly across to an equivalent subfolder for a parent panopto folder B (whether the subfolder already exists in parent parent panopto folder or not); I only seem to be able to copy recordings within a subfolder of a parent panopto folder A to the top level panoptop parent folder B, I cant copy direct to a subfolder in parent panopto folder B. Checked the panopto connector building block v2021.1.1 settinga and the panopto cloud admin settings, but no field related to this that i can see; maybe this functionality hasnt been developed yet, one would have though this type of scenario would be asked before?
I've tried the manage, share, settings options within a parent or subfolder where recoridngs are but nothing obvious on how to achieve the above task as a creator role only.
I posed this question to support a few months ago because I had a faculty member who had ~160 videos broken into 30-ish folders. There isn't currently anything available to bulk copy whole folders...but there needs to be. It took me a solid day to get this course aligned and the faculty then spent countless getting things embedded again.
Obviously the goal isn't to duplicate that much content unless we can avoid it. If we were able to associate a course integration in the LMS to an existing folder that would've solved the problem, instead, I needed to duplicate ~50 hours of content and spend hours doing so. An admin also needed to do this because had I left this to the faculty to do it would've been an obscene amount of time (copying 160 sessions 1:1 then moving them...not something that I am going to ask someone else to do).
I believe you are able to enable bulk session copies for creators, but I don't want to do that because our already massive content library is just going to explode. We need better options for supporting evergreen content that isn't a unique copy for each time the course runs but we also need the ability to copy entire folders as that need comes up.
Interesting feedback. While Panopto for the Blackboard VLE which we use here, does allow a seamless method to copy recording content at a module parent folder level which is great, it doesnt appear to allow it for module parent subfolders within the parent folder which is quite a downside and as you say it would take quite a lot of time and coordination to copy multiple subfolders to a parent level.
What I have found since, is panopto does allow a subfolder in module A through its settings to re-align or be redirected to subfolder B, so essentially, its a direct move of a subfolder from module A to module B, but the downside in some cases, is its not a copy, the subfolder content is realigned to module B and its gone from module A. For some staff who dont need a copy left in module A, then thats ok, but if staff want a copy in both module A and B, then its a problem, here is the link that shows how to do a move of a subfolder which I found on the panopto site
Also I found that possibly on the canvas vle platform panopto has the exact solution we are looking for, see Yale and Oregon universities in the usa websites here, that seem to have the solution we require, so I guess panopto or blackboard together need to produce that feature, panopto copy tool
In fairness to Panopto I find they do a lot of things very well and also I have confidence that they keep their knowledge base of guides and solutions uptodate more than most thridd parties, i.e. they inspire confidence as opposed to a lot of the other providers around, I know that either their support site or their support staff will ahve an answer and that is very reasuring.
yes could I ask Panopto development team to repliucate the course copy of parent and subfolders of panopto recordings from one module to another module, similar to the service you have configured for the Canvas VLE at so that not alone can parent panopto folder be copied but also subfolders otherwise its quite an onerous task for staff to have to recreate subfolders and copy content into them for the destination module, that would be time consuming.