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Video delete and copy buttons not working in Chrome or Edge

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Panopto Employee
edited July 2021 in Bug Reports

What is the impact of the issue?

Users can’t delete or copy videos from within their LMS in the latest Chrome or Edge browsers (version 92 or higher). The buttons can be clicked, but the click has no effect.

The underlying issue is a recent Chromium change to remove support for Javascript alerts from embedded pages (cross-origin iframes). Chromium-based browsers (Chrome and Edge) now block the Javascript-based confirmation dialog that is triggered when clicking on these buttons, so the operations cannot proceed.

For more information, see https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5148698084376576

How do I work around this issue?

Option 1: Use a non-Chromium based browser like Firefox or Safari

Option 2: Use the ‘Open in Panopto’ button on the folder list page to ‘pop out’ of the LMS, then delete or copy the video directly in Panopto

When will this issue be resolved?

Panopto will fix the delete button in an upcoming hotpatch release and investigate other blocked functionality, including copy, to address in a future release.

Status updates will be made to this forum as they become available.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Panopto Employee

    We have resolved the issue with deleting sessions in our cloud environments and are still working on a timeline to restore copy functionality.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Panopto Employee

    The impacted copy functionality has been restored in our cloud environments. We will resolve both issues in on-premises environments with a future update.

    Please contact Panopto Support with any follow-up inquiries.

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