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Allow functionality to edit the duration of PowerPoint slides
Panopto allows you to determine when a PowerPoint slide is available as a source, but does not allow you to set an end time. This functionality would be instrumental in allowing more flexibility in when slides appear/disappear, and allow for only limited sections to have PowerPoint slides when needed.
Hello Panopto
Currently if a user is capturing PowerPoint slides and using the Capture PowerPoint option, not the Capture Main Screen option when recording, the first slide always start at 0:00 in the recording.
Like with capturing screen or another video source as a secondary source, I am asking to see if possible to edit the start time of slides so that if possible, we can only see camera at some point, and then bring the slides in. I know if we capture main screen we can edit the secondary source independently so it can come in and out as needed, I would like this feature to be available when capturing slides as well.
A lot of times when professors are recording on their own, they'll just capture PPT if that's all they have, and sometimes want the slides to go away so the student watching only sees them. They don't realize they need to capture screen instead, and get frustrated when in the editor they can't remove the slides for a certain bit of time. Or if there is a way to do this, we're not aware of it.
Happy to discuss more.
Thank You
Kevin Hartman
University at Buffalo
Oh Hell Yes!!