Need a SOAP authorization example. Getting a "forcibly closed by the remote host" message
Hello support. We’re having an issue authenticating with the SOAP service.
When trying to authenticate, we are receiving a “forcibly closed by the remote host”
We’re using an account with Admin access on the sandbox with the following:
Endpoint: https://<server>/Panopto/PublicAPI/4.2/UserManagement.svc?wsdl
APIUser : ###-####-####-###-#####
Instance: “panoptointernal”
The Authcode is encrypted with Sha1 per the requirement.
The function GetUserByKey() fails with the disconnect when passing in the Sha1’d auth which contains:
AuthCode = GetSha1(_userkey + "@" + SERVERNAME.ToLower() + "|" + APIUSERAUTHCODE)
Is there a clear example on how to authenticate so we can perform user lookups and creations?
We’re implementing this in C# and interpreting it from this example on Github
Al Bradford
Best Answer
Kevin Baum Panopto Employee
Hi Alvin,
You should not need to use an AuthCode if you are using a Panopto user (using the Panopto internal provider). For authentication with a Panopto internal user, you can instead send the UserKey and Password fields, and avoid using the auth code entirely.
Is the error you're getting related to authentication, or is it just disconnecting? An authentication error should return a 401 or a 403 response, but if your client is just disconnecting it may be a different issue entirely. Could you send me the error that you are receiving back?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
This worked! We can create users now. Thanks
Part 2. How can we launch a video as a newly created user?