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Student Video Assignments

in Moodle
hello, I realise there have been a few releases of video assignment options. I saw this article about how
to create a video assignment.
The basic question is, does this use Blocks in Moodle?
What are the solutions for blocking students from edit after submission?
The approach described in that article is an LTI tool I believe so you wouldn't necessarily have to use the Panopto Block in Moodle. But it does say the course would have to be provisioned in Moodle, and that is normally accomplished by having the block.
What are the solutions for blocking students from edit after submission?
A copy of the submission goes to a "Student Submissions" folder underneath the course folder so by default students already cannot edit after their original submission. I assume you can also edit the Moodle activity to be only a single submission e.g. if you were to use an Assignment.
Thanks @Eric Phetteplace . Interesting options.
I would like to propose an avenue for improvement for the student submission Panopto plugin:
On the other hand, for us the overview of assignments submitted in the form of a filtered list has a bug and displays "Exception : Using $this when not in object context" and "A required parameter (cmid) is missing" when we try to change a parameter.
Hi @Etienne Lambert,
do you mean group submission? I can add you to the according feature request.
As for the error message you receive I would open a support ticket. Please note that the Panopto student submission plugin does require the installation of the block as per the article
Kind regards
Yes for group submission
And thank you for the ticket
"do you mean group submission? I can add you to the according feature request."
Evelin, please add me to that feature request, too. Thank you :-)
@Antti Huittinen Sure, that is done for you!