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External ID field on Videos
in API
We’ve come across an external id field that can be populated in panopto for videos. We seem to be able to populate this via the api. Is there documentation on this field? I’m wondering 2 things:
1) If this field is able to be set via the scheduler import?
2) If this field can be manually populated somewhere in the panopto interface.
I think this field can be used to automatically map recordings from Zoom to the correct folder in Panopto. By setting that field in Zoom, it tell Panopto where the recording should go.
Unfortunately I have no idea if it can be used in other ways.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for posting this question.
Eternal ID may be used programmatically by SOAP API GetSessionByExternalId and UpdateSessionExternalId. This ID is specifically prepared for the customer's own integration. Any value can be set by those API and any Panopto's logic does not refer that value at all.
We do not provide a way to set it other than API, like scheduling import tool or user interface.
As a side note, this external ID is different from the one which is handled by GetAllFoldersWithExternalContextByExternalId. External ID there is tied to the identity provider (typically LMS integration).
Hi, I've got a followup question on this topic.
We're making an integration using the Soap API, and it would be helpful to store some metadata in the ExternalId property on Sessions, perhaps also on Folders and RemoteRecorders. I can not find the length limit for the string documented anywhwere though. Could anyone enlighten me?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Vergard,
The maximum length of external context is 255.
We'll update the document. Thank you for pointing it out.