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Find and replace all in automatic captions
I would like to be able to *replace all* for words that Panopto misspells many times throughout an automatic caption instad of having to hunt down the word and change manually.
Definitely agree. I know this is on the roadmap, Eric Burns presented on this last month here in the UK and find and replace all plus confidence highlighting of tricky ASR captioned words and improved editing were all there.
Surprised not to see these features on the Janaury release notes.
Anyone from Panopto got an update on the timelines for these features please?
@Matt Turner I checked with the team on this, and while this is something that Panopto would still like to build, there is no assigned ETA yet.
@Matt Turner Quick update on this: while the full find & replace feature does not have an ETA, Panopto does plan to release a feature in the next 6 months that will highlight any words in the editor that have a low confidence rating in the ASR captions. This should make it a little easier to correct captions.
Thanks for the update @Kathryn I'm very pleased that we'll see the low-confidence highlighter in the captions soon and would like to see improved caption editing released at the same time.