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Is there some setting to the videos I am missing?
in Canvas
Hi all. Any help is appreciated. I created a Canvas shell for our Writing Center, and I embedded Panopto videos in some of the modules. I have set Canvas in such a way that the entire campus community can access the shell, but when students or colleagues click on the videos, they are not allowed access. Is there some setting to the videos I am missing that will allow anyone who can get into the Canvas shell to also watch the videos and take the quizzes?
@Vincent Fitzgerald , Are the videos stored in the Panopto folder for the course?
If you embedded the videos (because you have access as a creator), but the videos are not stored in the Panopto folder for the course, then, the videos could be restricted --- even though, everyone in your organization is enrolled.
If the folder or the individual videos are shared with "everyone in the organization", then everyone will be able to access the videos regardless of where they are embedded.
Panopto videos inherit Canvas permissions. Viewers: everyone enrolled int he course.
Thanks for your answer. When I click on "Panopto Video" in the Canvas Navigation list, I can see the videos I have created. And under "share" for individual videos, it asks Who can access this video, it says "Anyone at your org who has the link." Is that what you mean? I am still hearing from students that they are getting denied access.
Vincent, I'd be curious to know if the specific students denied access are users of Panopto in any other courses. To count as "anyone at your org" they need a Panopto account and need to be signed into it. At my school, the way that works is that Panopto connects to their Canvas account through single sign-on. If there are students that have never used Panopto and other courses, the Panopto canvas connection for account creation would've never taken place so those students would not be seen as "in our organization".
Is there any reason to not use the share permission where it's just open to the public but unlisted?
@Vincent Fitzgerald , in addition to what @James D'Annibale mentions above... Could it be that students are seeing something like this, and haven't authorized Panopto to open in Canvas? In this case, it's not permissions issue for those enrolled in the course. It's about "authorizing". Maybe you can share a screenshot of what the students are experiencing. The image below is what appears for an "embedded" video in Canvas. Students are required to click the "Panotpo Library" tab in Canvas and that seems to provide authorization. But if they go directly to a Page with a video embedded, they'll see the image below. I understand that every term, for every class, students have to "authorize" Panopto to open in Canvas.
@Vincent Fitzgerald Let us know if any of the above suggestions helped solve the issue. Otherwise, I'm happy to open a support ticket with our team for you. I would expect that if a video has been embedded into Canvas using the Panopto Embed Tool, it should be viewable when students click on the video.