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Ability to Filter Folders by Year and Term, and Course ID in "Browse"

Those of us that manage an entire media library, the ability to access and filter folders quickly will improve searching and solving urgent video management requests. More often than not, faculty do not provide all the course or Panopto folder information to manage or move videos to their courses -- avoiding errors. Additionally, I have to scroll down a mile to get to 2021. Thank you.
It would be super nice if you could actually add and remove your favorite folders from "My Folders". As far as I know, you can only add a folder there when you are creating it and not any other way.
Then of course there's the confusion between "My Folder" and "My Fodlers".
It makes me want to glue my face to floor again.
What LMS are you using Elba? If you happen to be using Canvas, you might try the "Add SIS Course Id to Folder Name" option for newly provisioned courses. Of course, you'd have to manually edit the existing folders, but this flag has been helpful for us in the Fall term. I don't know if Panopto is planning to build the same functionality for the other LMS they support.
I think part of the problem is that you can't see the hierarchy when you're in a folder. If I'm in "Math 101", how do I know which semester or year or even if it's a course folder instead of a user's personal subfolder. For our Classroom Recording, we try and get all of the details in the folder name, which helps workaround the lack of a visible hierarchy.
There's also no Back button so you can't really go up a folder in the tree.
Hmm, I do see an "Upward arrow" that is described as "Go up a folder" which seems to work for me. Is that not standard?
Sorry, I meant within the LTI Tool Integration. Once you get to the Panopto site itself, you get the Up arrow.
But within LTI there's no way to just navigate back or upwards.
@Charles Barbour there is a setting for this, I believe. It is under "Folders - Parent Folder Button for Embedded Folders" but if I remember correctly, it will allow the user to navigate above the course level, so we left this off. If it stopped at the course root this would be welcome but if the user can go up and up, I think it is just going to cause users to think that all of that content was published in their course without their permission.
Interesting. Thanks!
Thanks for all the great feedback and recommendations. The option to do course searches, by course ID#, would be awesome.