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Reference Copy option + user notification of functionality

It is my understanding that the bulk copy tool will now implement the reference copy option exclusively. It would be great if the interface gave users the option to retain the previous functionality (full copy, like the individual copy function) in addition to the reference copy option.
It is a great feature, but there are certainly some use cases that still exist for the full copy option.
I also think it would be fine to only implement this functionality for admins/department admins. In either case, I think the feature should provide a description of the reference copy functionality via a modal the first time an individual uses it before the reference copy is processed.
In the release notes and the documentation, it says that "Note: Video reference copies are enabled by default. " - I agree with @Michael Espey .
We need to have better control over this, faculty will get confused. Can we make a copy and at that time decide if we want a "copy" or a "reference" - and explain both so the users understand?
Or better, leave the copy as it was, and add an option to create a "reference"? like in Windows, you can copy or create a shortcut.
I agree 100%.
Imagine a user copying a folder of videos, editing one of the originals, but not understanding or realizing these edits will also be applied to the copied videos.