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Set a default thumbnail for a specific folder


I’d like to know is there is any possibility to have a specific thumbnail, by default, for every video uploaded or programmed to a specific folder?

Use case: one of my colleagues is programming every month all the recordings for our amphitheatres and has to manually add a thumbnail image for each recording. Having a default thumbnail for a given folder would be quite useful and save time.

Thanks, and take care


10 votes

Tracking · Last Updated


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    KathrynKathryn Administrator

    @CORMIER Jean-Matthieu Hi! This currently isn't possible, so it is a great feature request. Right now, uploaded thumbnails are just able to be added to one video at a time.

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    Thanks for answering. What is the next step in order to have this feature integrated into Panopto ? I'm sure other users would be interested in this as well.

    Best regards


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    KathrynKathryn Administrator

    @CORMIER Jean-Matthieu Since this is in the forum as a feature request, other users can vote on it. Panopto considers the top requests strongly when deciding what features and options to build in the future. So the step would be encourage others to vote on your request if they are running into a similar issue.

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    I'm just trying to bump this post in order to gather interest. Please consider upvoting this :)

    Take care

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    We have a couple of teachers that would like to set the preview image for all recordings they make ( static image ).

    Doing this via the folder settings would be a nice way to enable this.

    Additionally, a feature where you can define a static image with dynamic text would be even better.

    For instance an image for the faculty, where you define where to place the recording's title and teacher, and this get's added to the static image per recording.

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