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User's Folder List


I use GetFoldersList of the home of an User

We have the IntegrationName filled so the user is IntegrationName\UserName

When I try to get the User's Guid I used GetUserByKey(userAuthInfo, IntegrationName\UserName); and it works

but when I try to List the folder that is the HOME of this User

GetFoldersList(sessionAuthInfo,  new ListFoldersRequest { Pagination = pagination, SortBy = FolderSortField.Name }, IntegrationName\UserName); it doesn'work.

Then I do:

GetFoldersList(sessionAuthInfo,  new ListFoldersRequest { Pagination = pagination, SortBy = FolderSortField.Name }, UserName); without IntegratinName and I get the list of all folder that match the filter and, of course, the one named IntegrationName\UserName too.

Maybe the \ in the filter is not ok?

How can I list the Hme folder of a user when we have an IntegrationName?

Many Thanx



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