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Video Share Settings
in General Q&A
I wondered if there was an admin report that shows the share settings for all of the videos in all folders. I am identifying certain users who have not locked down their video share settings. I hope someone can tell me the easiest way to locate and change the settings. Thanks in advance for your help.
There is a report that we developed with Panopto support that I use to drive an email campaign to our users who are sharing things with a general population (Public and everyone at the org.) annually, but the report includes all permission levels for each asset.
If I remember correctly, it includes the delivery id so you can manipulate the things in Excel to construct a link for each.
As far as I am aware, entitlement information is not included in any user-generated reports.
Thank you. How can I request this report for my organization? It would help to see permission levels for each asset.
Sorry about my delay, I got pulled away for a bit.
I will typically make a request through Panopto support and they send back the report as an Excel sheet. If you wanted to reference a case for support to work from, this is the number from my request from the Fall: 00747326
Once I have the above report I process it with a bit of Python for format and enrich then I feed that into our communication platform to actually build out the email and send it to users.
This report was put together with the intent to notify users outside of Panopto's platform with some data added from outside sources. If you wanted another, more standalone report, we have another example (in case 00795846) that is broken into three parts. The first will be the set of entitlements provided at the folder level, the next is the entitlements on a single asset, the last is a breakdown of group memberships. We use this to provide a site audit to our Department Admins. I don't believe this report includes the level of entitlement that is used for the asset (Restricted, w/link and login, w/login, w/link, Public), but using these two reports should give you a fairly complete list to work from.