Batch panopto remote recorder entities by dept/school

Panopto development team,
Firstly the panopto remote recorder scheduling tool is a big success at our university, in particular one of our school uses it to record just about every lecture they have, which runs into the hundreds each term, so well done on this very useful service.
Now, where I'd like to see it improved would be the scenario I have come across which i'll describe and maybe the solution already exists and i havent found it or know of it:
We have two schools who have computers reporting into our cloud panopto site for panopto remote recorder units, which are school of medicine and school of business, now the PRR entities as i call them if they have an issue like "disconnected state", i can choose to have either administrators, mailing list or another option cant remember it, to send out warning notification messages which is a great feature to have. But what I can do right now, is to target those warning messages to the local school people that need to know about it, so I'm using a mailing list for the people who should get the notifications, these notifications will go to both sets of school admins/persons on the mailijng list; I dont have a way to just have any warning notification messages for school of medicine PRR unities, just to go to the School of medicine only.
IS there a hack for this or does it require a feature request, based on the 6-10 remote recorder fields in the admin panopto console i cant see a way to do this?
Please advise if this is a new feature request task to enhance this service further?
Kind Regards, James IT Servcies, Trrinity University, from the emerald isle of ireland
I think you can do it like this:
and choose option Remote Recorder Administrators
then set the people you want to be Notified as admin (I think Creator works too?) on those particular recorders you want them to get Notices on.