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Manually add or delete members of group.
in Blackboard
Hello All,
We use Blackboard as our LMS (original, not Ultra), and as such, Creator/Viewer groups are populated based on teacher/student enrollment in a course.
I know as an admin I can as needed add or remote people to the Creator or Viewer group in Panopto. Is there a way for an instructor in a course to do that as well or is this admin only? We noticed today a course where someone was still listed as a Creator but we had removed them from the course in Blackboard. I was able to remove the person from the Creator group, however the other instructors didn't have the ability to remove or add someone if needed to the Viewer group.
Thank You
Kevin Hartman, University at Buffalo
@Kevin Hartman A Creator is able to see the group membership but can't edit it. However, an instructor can add an additional Viewer or Creator as an individual using the Panopto sharing permissions. They just can't modify the automatically generated group.